Articles Posted in Firm News

Gold Stock Scams

The purpose of this post is to provide the reader with general information on how to attempt to spot gold stock scams.  The information is being provided for educational purposes only.  Thus, this post should not be relied upon as providing legal or investment advice.  If you have any questions, you should contact a qualified professional. 

Many gold-related investment scams involve the stocks of gold mining and/or exploration companies. The stock value is often based on gold reserves that are difficult to estimate, much less verify. 

Florida Securities, Commodities, Precious Metals and Commerical Disputes Litigation and Arbitration Blog:

When you have lost money because of the wrongful acts of others, including a stockbroker, money manager or investment advisor, an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer can be of great assistance and can help protect your rights. The state and federal laws governing securities and commodities transactions can be complex and intimidating. You want an attorney who understands the law and the procedures involved, who can help you evaluate your options and take the right steps to protect your interests.

At the law office of Russell L. Forkey, P.A., we assist clients throughout Florida who have lost money unnecessarily because of fraud, misrepresentation or other wrongful conduct by investment advisors, stockbrokers or others. We bring more than 30 years of experience to every case we handle and have represented U.S. as well as foreign investors. We have also protected the rights of businesses and business owners in securities, commodities and other commerical matters. We know how to quickly determine the next step in your securities, commodities or commerical law case.

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