Bullion Trading Group

Precious Metals Fraud Attorney, Russell L. Forkey, Esq.

Various employees of Bullion Trading Group and Barron Trading Group were recently charged by a federal grand jury for conspiracy and mail fraud. In the indictment, it was alleged, among other things, that Robert Michael Henry, Richard Lutz and Kelvin Ivan Desangles entered into a conspiracy to financially enrich themselves by causing investors to provide money, by making false representations as to material facts in the solicitation of funds for precious metals purchases If you would like to read the superseding indictment, please follow the highlighted link.

Also, one of the earlier named defendants, Richard Eugene Engel, pleaded guilty through a factual proffer, which indicated that it was, in fact, the object of the conspiracy for Christopher A. Kertatos, Richard Eugene Engel, Robert Michael Henry and Richard W. Luntz to financially enrich themselves by causing investors to provide money, by making false representations as to material facts in the solicitation of funds. The full factual proffer can be seen by following the highlighted link.

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"I have placed great trust in Mr Forkey." D.E.